Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why We Fly

Travel has always been an intriguing part of my life.  I've been blessed to see many parts of this world, often with those whom I am closest with. The most memorable travel stories, of course, come from those times where the unexpected happens.  Whether that is meeting a friendly local who is willing to welcome you into their backyard to celebrate a Christmas feast, or the unexpected friendship forged from an experience on white water rapids, travel rewards the planner with unplanned joy.

It seems I hear often about someone's travels and the story's tone has much to do with the unexpected.  Was the unexpected a pleasant surprise? Or was it an unwelcome guest?  Travel, then, is an experience.  An experience best enjoyed with those you love and an experience that fuses hours of planning with unexpected happiness, experiences, meetings, sights, sounds and tastes.

And that's why we fly.  We fly to get those places.  We fly because the wonder of transport is what allows us to be free to see our world.  And flying is fun.

This anecdotal analysis serves to give you a glimpse into our passion at FlyinAway.  We love travel and we love flying.  We love everything travel brings with it.  And we think booking your flight ought to be a part of the pleasant experience of travel.

If you can get a travel deal for a price you never dreamed you could find, your whole experience will be made that much better; as it started with the happily unexpected and concludes in a place where you had only imagined you could go.

That's what we strive to do at FlyinAway.  To allow you to travel at the price you want to pay, so you can go play.  That's why we fly.

Why do you fly?